My name is Sister Fanny, a member of Deeper Life Bible Church. I became sick. At a time, my condition became worse. As a result of shortage of blood, the colour of my blood changed. I stopped breathing, which means I died. At that moment I began the journey to eternity. Suddenly, I found myself standing between a broad and narrow way. At that place, I saw many people rushing through the broad way. At that place, I saw many people rushing through the broad way, while only three people passed through the narrow way. In the next stage, I found myself standing before the Judgement seat of God. I saw a crowd of angels worshipping God, they were saying “You are Worthy, You are Worthy, You are Worthy.” Two angels from the crowd of angels confronted me with two books in their hands. One of the angels opened the book with the inscription “The Book of Life.” With speed he turned the pages of the book to the end but my name was not found in “The Book of Life.” He opened the second book with the inscription “The Book of Death.” He also turned the pages very fast: he paused almost at the end of the book and looked at me and called me by my name “Fanny” you were given 3 gifts: Evangelism, Singing and Teaching, but you did not do well with these gifts. Instead you devoted yourself to secular teaching because of material things. The Value God Places on Sunday Service, Weekly Activities, Evangelism, Follow-Up and Visitation. The angel asked me, did you attend Church service last Sunday before you became sick? I answered “Yes.” He said, you were recorded absent; the angels that takes record of attendance took record by 8.00am when service commences, while you came 3 minutes after 8. So you were late. Lateness is equivalent to absence. Then he asked me, did you attend bible study the last Monday before you became sick? I said yes, but you were late, he said you were mark absent. He asked me “did you attend the mid-week service on Thursday?” I answered “no”, he then said that Sunday Service, Bible Study and mid-week service score 10% each. He said that my total score of attendance is 3/80%. He asked me again, “how often do you go for evangelism?” I said “very often” he then said “what about follow-up and visitation?” I told him that that I do them very often. He said “Evangelism, visitation, and follow-up scores 100% each. The angel said “you scored 30% in evangelism, 40% in follow-up and visitation 50%. Your score is 120/300%.” He asked me if I do pay tithes, I said “yes.” He said that we ought to pay tithe of all things; be it gift, gain or salary, he went further that we ought to give more in offering unacceptable standard. He then asked me, “as a teacher if your student scores these marks, will you pass him/her?” I said “no”, he paused for a while and said “what do you have to say about this? By then I was shivering because I knew that I was in trouble. I saw below, the acceptable standard Daniel 5:27: 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting., Heb. 12:28: 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: The other angel who had been silent said with a loud voice, ”you are unfaithful servant, take her to hell” When I heard that voice, I was terrified, I wish I could disappear or escape but there was nowhere to hide or escape. I wept bitterly before the angels, pleading for mercy. Unfortunately, their faces remained motionless; they were not moved by my tears and weeping. But as I continued crying and pleading for a second chance, the angel who was talking to me said “show her hell.” I saw many people who are crying bitterly in hell. 10 strokes of whip was given to me as a warning for being unfaithful servant, the whip was so painful that I was shouting instead of crying. As I kept pleading for the second chance while weeping, the angel said to me “go back to the world and amend your ways” at that moment, I woke up shouting “fire, fire, fire.” The heat of hell fire was so terrible that I couldn’t understand the pain. LESSONS TO LEARN 1. A Christian neighbour is not supposed to go to hell (Matt. 22:39) 2. The mission of every Christian is to make Heaven and to take as many people as possible (along). If you fail (this), you have failed God. (Jn. 15:8) 3. Anything you prefer doing to serving God is your idol. 4. When people choose wrong priorities they regret at last. 5. If you accept Jesus Christ, you accept life. 6. The life of a man does not consist on his possessions. 7. Christianity is the ability to represent Christ wherever you go. 8. Without soul winning, your Christianity is incomplete. 9. Be careful not be unfaithful servant. 10. What are you doing to get your neighbour saved? 11. The whole duty of a man is to fear God and obey His commandments. 12. Lateness to Church is equal to absence. 13. To know about the top, ask from those coming from the top. 14. Ask God to judge your life and reveal any secret error to you, so that you can amend your ways before the judgment day. 15. Always ask for the forgiveness of sin on a daily basis.

