Message To all saints of God concerning mode of dressing

As God gave it in a revelation to Bro. Edidiong Nse Uduomoh, AFC, Akwa Ibom:

The Lord Jesus hath made me to understand that so many Christians had missed Heaven due to their mode of dressing, He said, “Some Christians has followed the worldly women to sew their dresses and exposed their breast, put on ear-ring, short skirt, artificial hair like attachment, weave-on, rubber tread, Jeans skirt and trousers, necklace, ring, etc.” (Isaiah 3:16-24)
He said all Children of God should not wear tight fitting dresses that will exposed the lines of their pants and open back dresses that will exposed the lines of their brassier. Dear brethren,’ if you really want to make heaven keep yourself holy to the glory of God, love not the world neither the things that are in the world, and beware of satanic items like worldly fashions of dying hair, eye pencils, dresses which dragon logo is drawn, etc.
Please allow the Holy Spirit to lead you at all times on what to do and things you buy on daily basis. I asked the Lord concerning the issue of rubber tread, He said for many saints hath been queried several times by the devil, saying that anything attached to your natural hair is an attachment, that is the reason he has been producing them in the river to mix with those ones on earth, then how will my own children differentiate between the real tread and those ones produced by the devil.
Jesus said to me: “Look at my angels, do they plait their hairs”, I said “no” and He asked me again, saying: “during musical concert of Apostolic Faith Church, do the Choristers plait their hairs? I answered, “No”, and He said let my children dress their natural hair for it is the glory of God. (1 Peter3:3, 17)  For it is better that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing, because I knew that a day like this will come that was why I ordained this doctrine by Florence Crawford to all Apostolic Faith Churches during their musical concert. And the Lord Jesus said to me that may Christians may be Saved, Sanctified, and Baptized with the Baptism of Holy Ghost and Fire, but during the Lord’s second coming , they will not be raptured, I was so surprised to hear Jesus says so, and I asked Him the reason. The Lord Jesus said to me, for so many Christians had lost their first love (Salvation of soul) also that some Christians are careless of their Christian’s experiences, after being saved from their sinful life, many went and relaxed, not regarding the works of the Lord through individual testimonies and Evangelism, etc. Some Christians don’t care to study their Bible, attending prayer meeting, Praying 24hrs of their lives, for without prayer, no Christian could be connected to Heaven, BE YE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.

Bro. Edidiong on +2348061682235

