Satan Desperate to Destroy God’s Children- Rachael Mushala

The Lord Jesus Christ visited me during my prayer time today.As I prayed suddenly the whole room was filled with the glory of God and I could only speak in tongues! The Lord Jesus Christ descended in His glory and He began to tell me what to tell His children whom He said He “loves very much.”The Lord said Satan is very desperate to destroy each and every child of God no matter who you are and that you must really really pray before you marry someone because Satan wants each and every single child of God who’s not yet married to marry an agent of Satan or a demon incarnate.
This isn’t a story in a movie. This is so real and that’s why Jesus had to send this warning. He showed me a vision where i saw someone who made a mistake of not consulting and waiting on God. And Jesus showed me how the person ended up dominated and drained of his spiritual life by the enemy within. No matter how much you know the person physically, you can’t tell the spiritual with human eyes.pray and let God tell you to go ahead. God speaks,no matter who you are God ll speak to you if you seek Him.
This is how Satan is capturing many souls.Not that u cant overcome when this happens but that its easy for you to be defeated wen this happens.This is to be taken seriously. Don’t say it can’t happen to you because it can if you don’t seek God about your marriage partner.And if you are already married you too have to watch and pray.Pray for your marriage because Jesus said Satan has fired arrows of divorce to discourage your walk with God and to bring adultery. No matter what happens in your life,never let go of God because He is life.Without Him you ll die. Fix your eyes on Jesus.Fix your eyes on eternal life.
