What is fornication ? Fornication is a sexual relationship that exist between unmarried man and woman. This is talking about a man and woman that are not married but practicing sexual act, and this is a state of rebellion against Gods word. ( 1 cor 16:16-18)
Whenever we are talking about its danger, we are talking about the pitfall and their consequences.
In this message we are talking about the danger of all the sin called “sexual immorality”.
Fornication is a slave master that enslave any one that involve in it, and ensures the bondage of the person.
Fornication come through lust and not through love, and is a deliberately act to destroy your own soul, for fornication is a dead trap.
When temptation to fornicate come, you don’t need to stay to think about it or to debate the matter in your heart saying “should I or should I not”, the only remedy is to flee, you will only be safe when you flee.
If Joseph have waited with Potiphar wife to think twice, he wouldn’t have become the prime minister , his destiny and star would have be in the bondage.
Women that gave out their body cheap, do not know the negative part of it, when a man is pursuing any thing in skirt, even if he sees dog or goat that put on skirt, such a man do not know the negative part of it, for fornication damn the souls and will keep one out of heaven. 1 cor 6:9-11.
When you began to involve in internet dating, consequences are alarming.
Last year December , I went for a program, the pastor showed me a very high tower that is uncompletted building, she said a lady was killed at the kill high tower December 26, I asked , why ? She said, the lady was chatting with the man and both of them were dating each other on Facebook, and the man invited the lady to come and meet him, the lady went with her ungodly and sinful cloth. So the man took her to one of the room in that high tower, so he wanted to force the lady to have immorality with her, and He pushed the lady from the high tower and the lady feel and pieces and died. Where do you think she will go to spend her eternity ? Do you see what sex chatting led her to, what about its spiritual consequences, you can’t bare it.
We are living in sex crazing world that pornography has become home video, and fornication has become part of civilazation, but The Lord still says ” The body is not for fornication but for The Lord” 1 cor 6:13.
Fornication has slain many destiny child, watch over your heart now with diligence lest you begin your journey on a path of doom. Pro 4:23.
You may say, is my body and is not any body business, when the horrific consequences shall come, you shall bare it alone. Pro 6:26-29.
The world is full of attractive and seductive men and women , who are ready to share their virus with you, so flee fornication.
Some would be watching sexual programs and video and begin to masturbate, romanse their self, do all manner of immoral , but once you watch it, you put your self into bondage, and the problem of the person you are watching would be share with you, and half of the demon inside the person you are watching would be transfer into your body, this is automatic.
So every seconds you spend watching sexual images on tv, magazines , on internet are adding problem to your life, and it can ruin the plan of God for your life.
When your body is capture by the devil through fornication, the spirit of God will leave and devils spirit will have freedom to frustrate your life, and when there is a spirit in you, you will be control by that spirit, that’s why many that confess and made up their mind not to do it again still go back. Prov 5:3-5.
Fornication bond any one that involve in it with chain of misfortunes , and it will make the life of the person reckless .
Many marriages ended in divorces because of fornication, any couples that involve in fornication or sexual act before marriages, should be ready to bare the consequences, because there will be misunderstanding in such home, anger and hatred, for fornication is a dead trap.
How lasting and satisfying is the sin of fornication ? Is just a moment pleasure worthy of exchange for the glorious heaven.
The kingdom of Solomon was divided into 2 because of sin of fornication.
SAMSON lost his power through fornication and immorality .
Rueben lost the blessing of first born because of fornication, what a great lost.
What can fornication do ? It grieves the Holy Spirit to leave, it lead to the lost of the presence of God. 1 cor 6:18-19.
Fornication would open you up to deseases, and the desease the person you commit fornication with would be tranfer into your body, wether physical or spiritual desease, because the logic is “what I have I will give you, and what you have I will received.
Fornication lead to demonic tranfer, if the man or the woman have 2000 demon in him or her , half of it would be transfer into your body .
Fornication would make you to loose Gods blessing , and wreck home and happiness, it’s pleasure is fleeting but it’s effect is lifelong.
It lead to transferring of curse and disappointment .
It takes one to hell, eternal abode of sinner , where there is weeping and lamenting is not quench and the worms eating their body never died.
Now repent from your fornication, confess to The Lord , for if any one sin, he has an advocate with the father, promise The Lord not to do it against by the power of his saving grace .
Pray for serious deliverance from the evil covenant you have entered through fornication, pray for deliverance from the demon that has been transfer into your body and you will be delivered in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
